Friday, May 18, 2018

Vintage Guitars and Tube Amps

Did you know that we 
Repair, Restore and Sell 
Vintage Guitars and Tube Amps

Scott Russ Music
2170 Sunrise Hwy., Merrick

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Melvin Seals and Terrapin Flyer

Melvin Seals of JGB and Terrapin Flyer

Melvin Seals and Terrapin Flyer at KJ Farrells last night.  Great show! Plus Scott met Melvin Seals and enjoyed talking with him about Melvin's customized Hammond Organs.

Melvin Seals and Terrapin Flyer at KJ Farrells
Melvin Seals and Scott Russ

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Does Your Student Instrument Need A Repair?

Did you know that we can do instrument repairs while you wait in most cases? With school concerts and NYSSMA upon us, we can make sure your student's instrument is in good working order for their big day. Call 516-377-7907 for an appointment.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Best TIme To Rent a Musical Instrument

NOW Is The Best Time To Rent A Musical Instrument!

Rent or Renew Now and Get 
Last Year's Prices and the Summer FREE!

Why wait until the last minute.
Beat the crowds and Save!

2170 Sunrise Hwy., Merrick
Hours: Monday-Friday 10am-8pm, Saturday 10am-6pm

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Gov't Mule at Westbury

Warren Haynes and Scott backstage.

Scott and Danny Louis with Gov't Mule's Hammond B3
Billy and Scott working on Gov't Mule's Leslie Amps and B3
Gov't Mule

Scott and Billy repaired Gov't Mule's Hammond B3 and Leslie Amps and stayed for the show at NYCB Theatre Westbury yesterday.  Scott is shown with Warren Haynes. Billie and Scott shown working on Gov't Mule's Leslie Amps and Hammond B3 Organ. Scott and Danny Louis with the B3. Scott and Holly shown with Danny backstage. 

Gov't Mule

Gov't Mule

Scott, Danny Louis and Holly backstage.

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Tube Amp Repairs and Sales

Did you know that Scott Russ Music is 
one of the only instrument repair shops in the 
Tri-State area who can repair Tube Amps?

In addition, we have a large selection of tube amps for sale in our showroom.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

New Hammond Organs

as low as $1395!

plus Use Your Old Organ as a 
Down Payment for a New Hammond!

2170 Sunrise Hwy., Merrick